We are constantly following up on different painters, designers, and creators, and the one thing that we have noticed is that each one has an answer to this question: What is Art?
Art is subjective and is perceived differently by different people. What a painting means to one person may entice a completely different response from someone else.
Therefore, it is crucial (and honestly, pretty interesting) to find out what art means to artists.
Here is a list of our favorite What is Art quotes, and maybe they will help you discover what art is to you!
Keep reading here: https://feedingtrends.com/what-is-art-quotes/
Source: Edvard Munch - Pubertad, 1894. Óleo sobre lienzo, 51,5 x 110 x 2,6 cm. Museo Nacional de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Oslo, Noruega