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I found an interesting post: 45 Famous What Is Art Quotes By Famous Thinkers and Artists.


We are constantly following up on different painters, designers, and creators, and the one thing that we have noticed is that each one has an answer to this question: What is Art?

Art is subjective and is perceived differently by different people. What a painting means to one person may entice a completely different response from someone else.

Therefore, it is crucial (and honestly, pretty interesting) to find out what art means to artists.

Here is a list of our favorite What is Art quotes, and maybe they will help you discover what art is to you!

Source: Edvard Munch - Pubertad, 1894. Óleo sobre lienzo, 51,5 x 110 x 2,6 cm. Museo Nacional de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Oslo, Noruega

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